Aubree-Anna is a Singer, Songwriter, living in Dallas, TX. She recently returned from Nashville, TN – Recording her original songs at one of Nashville’s most prestigious and historic recording facilities located in the heart of Music Row. Aubree-Anna had the pleasure of working with Jeff Wood and Kevin Beamish on this project. Jeff Wood is an American Country Music Artist & Songwriter with 3 top 40 hits. Kevin Beamish is a Grammy winning Multi Platinum selling Record Producer, Recording Engineer with credits on sales of 100 million records.
The song nearest to Aubree-Anna’s heart on this latest CD/EP project is called “Pretty”. Knowing that many girls and women struggle with everything from bullying to body image, has Aubree-Anna excited to share with the world, not only the lyrics to the song, but her powerful music video that exudes vulnerability and strength in a story that might leave you in tears and spark an interest in your heart to make a difference in the lives of others. “Pretty” is an Anthem for every young girl and woman around the world, and those that support and love them…It’s an encouragement to feel “Pretty” and comfortable in your own skin no matter your insecurities or what you’ve gone through in life. Adopted as a baby at 17 days old, and even though raised by loving parents, Aubree-Anna also struggled with some of the insecurities represented by the girls in this video – when you listen to the lyrics, like “I was different, trying to hide it…didn’t want to get caught, being something I’m not…On the outside lookin’ in, a stranger trapped in my own skin, had to make a change, had to let the real me sing…” Aubree-Anna went through some very awkward stages, and wanted to be loved, accepted, and to “fit in”…this is her story, and her goal is to use this video as a platform to give back and be a voice for others. Aubree-Anna was able to conquer her insecurities through her music and art. Now she desires this song “Pretty” to encourage girls and women to find their freedom breakthrough just as she did.

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“Pretty,” is now available:
Apple Music:
Google Play:
Great song, hope this gets major recognition 🙂
I love this song!