Five of my best music buds originally from the New Orleans area came together to do a cyber project. A new song I had written called “No Tribe” which tells the tale of Lao Tsu, ancient Chinese sage and author of the IChing, was in its embryonic state. I surrendered the direction of the song to each of the 5 other musicians. Over a month’s time and across 3 cities, we recorded the 6 minute Prog monster. The 84 tracks of audio came together over several phases. The drums in the first half of the song, as well as my guitar and vocals, came from my studio in New Orleans. At the same time, a second drummer friend in Sacramento sent a drum track that we used for the second half of the song, taking the last verse in a very unsuspected direction. The keys came from another friend in Seattle which found its way into a separate break down verse. The bass duties were split between myself and a profoundly accomplished jazz fusion musician around the Narlins area. And finally, the spoken word part was performed by my preacher / philosophy graduate / drummer friend here in the Narlins area. Long story, long, 84 tracks later, and across several cities, “No Tribe” was born.
Then came the animated video and “The Barbies” story. I learned Crazy Talk 8 animation software over a weeks period and proceeded to birth my musical comrades into 3D avatars. After much humor, a plethora of inside jokes, and an amateur tryst into animation, the video was complete. Now, during the video production, my girlfriend noticed me buying accessory outfits and hair styles for my newly acquired animated friends. She rightfully accused me of playing with Barbie Dolls! I now understand doll stylings to be a noble process. Thus sprang the name of this odd, deeply satisfying, and synergistic project. We had a blast! We present to you, not unlike Dr Frankenstein (which three of us are by the way, MD’s that is), ThisMichaelBrown and The Barbies.

ThisMichaelBrown – vocals and guitars
Mark Cheramie – drums first half
Anthony Occhipinti – drums second half
Jose Gude – Keys
Paul Clement – Bass
Eddie Expositio – Spoken word, Hoo’s and Haa’s.
Free download of song!