Softspoken – How We Rise (Official Music Video)

Struggle is the fuel for success… according to dynamic post-hardcore outfit Softspoken. Combining their passion for honest, heartfelt music and their desire to encourage those too often unheard to speak out louder, Softspoken have released a brand new single fittingly named: “How We Rise”.

“How We Rise” sums up the past two years of the band’s journey and serves to transition the band into what’s yet to come by saying that they’ve learned to grow from hardships in order to push themselves ever onward.

“Growing up I always felt like I had a target on my back,” says vocalist Sam Scheuer. “I was always too short, or too nice, too this, or too that – but never good enough. I felt like I attracted bad luck or was attracted to bad decisions, even when they were made from a place of goodness. I spent a long time paranoid of how I was judged, and afraid of staying in the same loop of bad decisions or bad luck. But I eventually changed my perception and realized that I could use my ‘curse’ as fuel to rise to a higher place. Take what others say, think, or do to put you down and use it to pull yourself up. Find other people who support you, support them in turn, and this is how we rise together.”

In the two years since debuting on the scene, Softspoken have been hard at work developing a devoted fan base, touring across large parts of the country, and making a name for themselves all with two simple thoughts at the core of their efforts: “Be who you want to be, and let your voice be heard.” The band takes pride in the honesty of their music as it reflects who they are and what they want to say. Outside of their music their community The Speakers includes fans, friends, and family who are united for a common love of music and desire to help one another.

You can watch the music video for “How We Rise” below and stream the track along with the Deluxe Edition of Pathways on Spotify, Apple Music, and all other major streaming platforms.
Also visit Softspoken on their website, and the Speakers Group on Facebook to become a part of their community and rise together.

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